What if Thor Had Signature Guitars?
This is the very first of my series of design projects!
I want to show everyone my process of designing signature guitars for my clients and where these designs come from. You get to see some images I used as inspiration, the sketch process, outlines, renders and more!
For this project in particular, I just pretended what I would do if Thor, the God of Thunder, shot down in a bolt of lightning and asked me to design a signature guitar for him.
Watch the video to see it all and scroll down for pictures! Click on the main images to go to their own pages with extra content!
The Origin Story:
Where did the name "Tryxarrer" come from?
tre = three
yxa = axe
gitarrer = guitars
I just combined them in a way that I felt made some sense! I hoped you enjoyed that little bit of fun, fan-fiction.